I was listening to John Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s progress part 2 and found something interesting that I do feel is true so will share it here. It was talking about how when we disobey GOD or stray from the narrow path. Our walk with GOD becomes more difficult. I was trying to find this part in the public domain version which is found at the link below. I rewound the audio version and then was able to find the part I rewound too. I then tried to follow along and it is different so got lost. So was not able to find this exact message to share an exact quote. Anyway, the concept of this is found in pilgrims progress and in the bible. Jonah ran away from GOD and thus great difficulty came upon him. In the Pilgrims progress, you see this a lot throughout the book. Both the first book and the second book. That does not mean that all difficulty is a punishment from GOD. Most times this rebellion and difficulty are self-inflicted.
I am not saying that the walk in obeying is going to be easy either as they may also be difficult. I am saying that it is made more difficult the more we disobey so it is better to obey. Also I am not talking prosperity either. The prosperity gospel is false. Yes GOD will bless you and in some cases that may not be material things. There are many things he can bless you with. Friends are a blessing and so are loved ones especially if they are saved.