These are a few web pages with good info. I may or may not agree with every thing on these however I have them here as they may help you.
Site by an Ex-Catholic – I have a link to this as I think it is the best way to put how to get saved. The simplest way to be saved is putting your faith in Jesus.
Entering The promised Land & A Wilderness Voice These are similar sites done by 2 of my friends, I enjoy their blog and I like how humble and honest they are. I have commented on their blog many times and I know at times I feel maybe I should not have commented something. Guess it shows how bad of a person I am and I really need help from GOD.
T Austin Sparks – This site has all of this preachers sermon and other material for free. You can learn a lot from this web site.
John Bunyan Ministry – This site has all of John Bunyan’s material or at least as much of it as can be found. So if you want to read any of John Bunyan’s books this is the site to go to.
Richard Merrell – A site a friend showed me that has really good copy of the Didache which is an early church document with early church teachings. A very interesting document as well. The site has other info that is interesting as well. The Didache is the main reason I went to this site. Other sites do have the Didache however I was told this site has the best copy of it.
Bible Hub – One of my favorite online bible sites, I like how it compares different translations all on one page. Also has some nice commentaries that can give you more info.
Blue Letter Bible – Another online bible, a friend of mine uses this a lot I don’t use it that much however it does have some helpful information on it.
————- – Another online bible, I use the app they make on my phone. I like the app a lot. Some of the translations have the audio which I find very handy.
The Common Man’s Prospective – This is an interesting site that has some early church teachers as well as the septuagint.
Deception in the Church – A friend had a link in her you tube channel to this site so thought I would include it on here.
Geneva bible – A site with the Geneva bible in modern font / spelling to make it easier to read. You may download the bible from there for free however he does ask that you do not sell it or if you do to contact him first.