This is from a friend in Christ. I thought it was so good I thought I would share it. Now I do want to mention it is not by our works that we enter the kingdom of heaven. However, if we are truely saved and walking by the spirit we will do things the world […]

Hebrew Roots/ Torah Observant

I just created a playlist of several videos on youtube that I found helpful in debunking the whole Torah Observant movement that is going around and that I had gotten caught up in. I do not want anyone else to fall prey to what I fell into. GOD may have allowed this to happen for […]

A few things that I believe.

This is just a simple list of a few of the things I believe. In geocentricity, Earth being at the center of the universe. Every thing moves around the earth. (King James Bible, Joshua 10:13:And the sun stood still, and the moon stayed, until the people had avenged themselves upon their enemies. Is not this […]

Human recall notice

This came up in my facebook feed and it was good so thought I would share it here. No deception intended just a humorous way of spreading the gospel. September 9, 2016 at 10:56 AM HUMAN BENG RECALL Notice! -Author Unknown. The Maker of all human beings is recalling all units manufactured, regardless of make […]

Points to Ponder – by Ed Marton

These are from a friends facebook. He has left facebook and is hard to find. I think he has a youtube channel however I was unable to find that channel. When I search for him online I was unable to find any info about him I did however find others with this same name. They […]

Slander and railing

I know that slander and railing are wrong as we see in the word of GOD. Remember GOD is love and when you speak evil of someone GOD may take pity on that person and take vengeance on you. This is something I have known for some time as I see it written in the […]