cults and distractions

I read a blog post by a good friend one that has a big heart and is very close to GOD.  Here is the blog post titled “cults just a mouse click away“. I felt as if it was written directly to me. here is why. Lately, I have been watching a youtube channel called […]

Hebrew Roots/ Torah Observant

I just created a playlist of several videos on youtube that I found helpful in debunking the whole Torah Observant movement that is going around and that I had gotten caught up in. I do not want anyone else to fall prey to what I fell into. GOD may have allowed this to happen for […]

Harder walk due to Disobeying GOD

I was listening to John Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s progress part 2 and found something interesting that I do feel is true so will share it here. It was talking about how when we disobey GOD or stray from the narrow path. Our walk with GOD becomes more difficult. I was trying to find this part in […]

A few things that I believe.

This is just a simple list of a few of the things I believe. In geocentricity, Earth being at the center of the universe. Every thing moves around the earth. (King James Bible, Joshua 10:13:And the sun stood still, and the moon stayed, until the people had avenged themselves upon their enemies. Is not this […]

Human recall notice

This came up in my facebook feed and it was good so thought I would share it here. No deception intended just a humorous way of spreading the gospel. September 9, 2016 at 10:56 AM HUMAN BENG RECALL Notice! -Author Unknown. The Maker of all human beings is recalling all units manufactured, regardless of make […]