An easy answer is GOD and what we do for him. Sometimes all we need to do is wait on him because jumping in and doing something may not be what he wants. Sometimes even doing good may not be what GOD wants. Doing good may not be bad but it may cause more harm than good. A good example mentioned by a friend is if GOD tells you to give 20usd to someone and you give them 100. It may be good but the person only needed 20 and he may have just prayed for 20 and so getting 20 would have had more impact than 100. He would think his prayer was answered.
It is based to wait on the lord and do what he asks us to do sometimes he may not want us to do anything except waiting for him.
Anyway, this is a reply to a friends blog post and something another friend said. Here is the post by a friend.
Thank you very much for the link to my blog, Fred. 😊
I was just reminded of an older Christian couple who thought they should give a certain amount of money to a sister who really needed it. So they helped her out because it is a ‘Christian’ thing to do so. But alas, it was not God’s will since soon afterwards they needed a lot of money themselves and it was all gone. 😕 Lesson learned… the hard way, so to speak.
I know how that goes. For me, Jesus words about giving to those who ask or going the extra mile run through my head when people ask for help or ask for money. If I do not give I feel I am not doing what Jesus said to do. Yet at the same time, I know that some people can and do take advantage of those who give. I know I had to decline one person when he asked many many times for money. He was asking for money for his mission. I felt bad about not giving, however, he didn’t make it very easy to give in the first place. He was very persistent about it. I didn’t even know if his mission was legit or not. I also didn’t really even know him. I had talked to someone else who knew him and that friend said he does the same thing to him, asks for money I mean. Anyway, this is another one of those conflicts in my head. I know in pilgrim’s progress part 2 there is a man mentioned that gives to anyone who asks even if he ends up hurt in the process. that is just the type of person he was. I forget what he name was.
Fred, I just found an interesting article by TAS about the real meaning of the extra mile. The first mile stands for the Law, the extra mile for Grace, instead. Sparks also connects the extra mile with business/job, family, and fellowship. It is not a lengthy entry. If you are interested, here is the link.
Thank you.
I read that and some of it was a review of what I know. I even remember a tract I was given some time back that was of the same lines. I even remember a kids video that was also of the same type of thing. It is interesting how much I forget or I know a lot and don’t follow the things I know. Even that guy in pilgrim’s progress part 2 did it out of love kind of like what is mentioned at that link although I don’t think love is mentioned that is how I read it.
Wait I may have mentioned some of that in my post about rewards to come to think of it. I know that GOD is teaching me through what I am putting on here and that is interesting in itself so I am not just posting for others but also for my self.
You are welcome, Fred. I also forget a lot of things God once showed me, yet I saw He revived what I needed to know at the critical moment.
Furthermore, I saw that what I have published on my blog was first all about teaching myself and it was most often also prophetic for me. Not always fun when it was about trials, but isn’t it good to know to be led by God who alone knows our future?
I know as long as I feel obliged or even forced to give somebody something, this is a restraint from God in my heart I should not ignore. If my heart, instead, is overflowing with love and compassion, then I know the real Giver has been God, not me, serving only as His instrument.
Well said, Susanne! I have found the same restraint and overflowing love from Him when it comes to giving. The key is to be led by His Spirit in all circumstances. It really is a heart thing. <3
Thanks for confirmation, Michael! 🙂 Yup, it’s a matter of the <3 !
Sometimes we need to pray for a new heart like David did.
I often, almost daily, pray this prayer, Fred. Whenever I flesh wells up…
“Whenever my flesh wells up…”
Fred, I just read your “About Me” page and it sounds to me like you are truly God’s son on that journey of change you have prayed for.
Thank you Father for leading Fred and answering his prayers to know you and Jesus Christ whom you have sent as you conform him into the image of your son.
Thank you for what you have said.
True, Michael! 🕊 Very well said! 👍🏻